HP Cloud Service Automation Software

HP Cloud Service Automation
Developer(s) Hewlett-Packard, HP Software Division
Stable release 1.x
Operating system Windows/Linux
Type Automation and IT management software tools, cloud computing management software tools
License Proprietary
Website HP Cloud Service Automation Home Page

HP Cloud Service Automation is a solution composed of automation software tools for use by companies and government agencies to deploy and manage cloud computing applications. The solution simplifies and automates the deployment of databases, middleware and packaged applications and enables composite application provisioning and monitoring in heterogeneous and extensible cloud computing environments.[1] The software is part of a broad portfolio of cloud computing products, services and solutions offered by HP Software Division as part of its HP IT Management Software family of products. Cloud Service Automation was developed by HP and enhanced by HP’s acquisition of Stratavia in Aug. 2010.[2]


Background on Cloud Computing and Automation

According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Information Technology Laboratory, “Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.”[3]

Many organizations are adopting cloud computing because it allows them to access applications, resources and services over the Internet on an “as-needed” or “per usage” basis. This has some cost and agility advantages for the IT department. According to a January 2011 Unisys poll, nearly half of U.S. companies consider cloud computing as the top IT priority.[4]

While cloud computing can save IT departments money and increase flexibility, it does present some challenges. These challenges include extra effort and increased difficulty for the IT department because of the complexity associated with the deployment and ongoing management of cloud infrastructure and applications.[5] Automation and proper management are important when IT departments deploy cloud computing services because of these challenges.[6]

What HP Cloud Service Automation Does

HP Cloud Service Automation allows IT departments to move and manage applications among in-house (private) cloud systems, external (public) clouds and traditional IT systems. HP Cloud Service Automation software is also designed to deliver unified security, governance and compliance across applications, as well as physical and virtual infrastructures. The software automates key IT processes so that there is one consistent approach to IT resource management.[7] HP Cloud Service Automation also allows IT departments to dynamically monitor and provision server, storage and network elements as well as applications to meet the needs of current and upcoming workloads. In addition, the solution allows IT to automatically grow and shrink the allocated resources in order to meet quality of service targets.[8]

Functional Architecture

HP Cloud Service Automation consists of four main parts. Intelligent Resource Management automates the decision process and provisioning of resources based on business policies, cost and performance goals. Advanced Application Deployment Management lowers the total cost of management for dynamic cloud applications. Advanced Configuration Management facilitates troubleshooting, capacity planning, service level management, and service quality. The architecture also includes a Single View Portal Service of all private and public cloud services for one-stop ordering, provisioning and reporting.[9]

External links

HP Cloud Service Automation Home Page


  1. ^ ComputerWorld.com. HP unveils CloudStart private cloud development tools. Ricknas. August 2010.
  2. ^ HP News Release: “HP Acquires Stratavia, Helping Clients Simplify and Optimize Software Application Deployment in Hybrid IT Environments.” Aug. 2010.
  3. ^ National Institute of Standards and Technology. October 2009.
  4. ^ Unisys news release. Cloud Computing Dominates IT Priority List for 2011, Unisys Polls Show. Jan. 2011.
  5. ^ Dana Gardner’s Briefings Direct. “Cloud Service automation aids visibility and control.” June 2010.
  6. ^ IT Business Edge. “Cloud migration. Who’s up to the challenge?” Cole. Dec. 2010.
  7. ^ IDG News Service: Infoworld.com. “HP to launch enterprise cloud service.” Jackson. January 2011
  8. ^ HP News Release. “HP Launches CloudStart to Fast Track Private Clouds.” Aug. 2010.”
  9. ^ HP Cloud Service Automation Solution Brief.